Curb cut effect and your project

Achintha Isuru
3 min readAug 23, 2022


Photo by Tomas Martinez on Unsplash

Designing for accessibility has become a popular ideology among designers recently, as it helps people with disabilities to use their products easily. Another advantage of this is that these design changes will also help the general users to have a more pleasant user experience. This phenomenon is known as the curb cut effect. From this article, we will discuss more about this phenomenon and the advantages that you as a designer can achieve by designing for accessibility.

What is a curb-cut? 🤷‍♀️

Most likely, you have probably used a curb cut yourself. A curb cut is referred to the slope of the sidewalk that creates a ramp with the adjoining lane. This has benefited people with disabilities to use a sidewalk more easily. Nevertheless, the advantages of a cut extended to everyone like cyclists and elderly people. That is how the term curb cut effect came into use in the context of accessibility designing.

Photo by Walling on Unsplash

Examples of curb cut effect. 👨‍💻

The best example of curb cut effect are closed captions. Closed captions or already known as subtitles, first came to use for people with hearing disabilities, but it has helped a wide range of people like people who are not familiar with the language being spoken and students who are trying to learn that language. Another good example of this effect is the dark mode. The dark mode is generally used by the users who use their devices for an extended period of time, but this feature also helps for the users who are running low on battery or using low-end devices, as the dark mode requires less battery power than the light mode.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

How you will benefit? 🤔

The main advantage of designing for accessibility is that it will help your product to attract more marginalised users, and in the process also help the general users to have a more pleasant experience as well. This can give your product a more positive vibe and can also give you an edge over your competitors.

Conclusion 😊

To recap, from this article we discussed how designing for people with disabilities can benefit everyone, and why you should use it in your own project. Thank you for reading the article and if you found this article useful please share it with your friends and colleagues.

Thank You!

