What is UI/UX Design?

Achintha Isuru
4 min readApr 5, 2020

There are various avenues in the field of Information Technology or more commonly known as IT. Cloud Computing, IoT, Web Development are few of those avenues under IT. But today I am going to talk about an avenue which is quite different from many of its neighbouring avenues, it is UI/UX designing. Before diving into more details about UI/UX let’s understand a bit about why UI/UX is different. It is different because to develop UI/UX you do not need to know programming at all, you only require your creativity and designing skills and also the ability to understand the users’ and clients’ goals. Now we have a fair bit of knowledge about how UI/UX is different from other avenues therefore let’s move on to the main topic of the article, what is UI/UX design?

First of all, let’s talk about User Interface designing or more commonly known as UI designing. UI designing is the process of designing the look and feel of the interface. To design a good UI we must consider facts like,

· Using good typography fundamentals.

· Selecting a good colour scheme

· Selecting correct shapes for elements like text boxes, buttons etc.

These are only a few of many things that we should consider when developing a UI. Let me give you an example for good and bad UI design to get a better understanding of the concept.

